Pretty little things for the wedding of my dreams...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Table Conversation Guest Book - Make it More Fun!

I was inspired by a picture I found on Martha Stewart's website of conversation books at each wedding table which had a question about the couple on the cover for guests to answer inside.

My Inspiration!
Martha offered some templates, but I must admit I'm not the greatest at book binding and didn't have the materials.  So, I started by printing the templates on regular paper to get an idea of the questions that were asked for each book. 

1.)    Then, I re-typed the questions, personalized some of them and changed a few.  Here is what I came up with when it was all said and done:

"what's your favorite memory of Duncan or Nicole?"

"what should we name our kids?"

"what should we do on date nights?"

"where do you see Duncan and Nicole in 20 years?"

"when did you know Duncan and Nicole were meant for each other?"

"what's the best marriage advice you've ever recieved?"

"where should the couple vacation?"

"how should the couple keep the romance alive?"

"what should the couple do during their first year of marriage?"

"what do you think makes Duncan and Nicole a good couple?"

"what are you really thinking about this wedding?"

"what is your secret to lifelong happiness?"

2.) After finalizing the questions, I set out to find someone who could make the books for me at a reasonable price.  On etsy there is someone who actually makes these exact books and binds them, but they were rather pricey at $25.00 per book.  If that's not too expensive, check them out here.

3.)  I started looking for little blank books I liked on etsy with the hope I could get someone to personalize them.  

4.) I found these books by Sandra from her etsy shop called Loops and Dots.

5.)  From there, I contacted here and asked her if she could make the books I needed, and she could!

6.)  She was able to make my books in my wedding colors (least you forget they are navy, ivory and pale pink) with my personalized questions on the cover.   The total cost was $65.00 for thirteen (13) books which is one for each table. 

7.)  I plan to put little golf pencils at each table setting and ask the DJ to remind guests to write in their books! Here's the final product, enjoy!